Tuesday, April 16, 2013

BOC: Slip! Slap Slop!

Slip! Slap! Slop! Is a campaign that has launched from The American Heart Association to help promote skin cancer prevention. This campaign  is to remind people of the 4 ways to protect against harmful UV radiation. The first is slip on a shirt which consistently reminds people never to walk around without shirts when sun is out. The second is slop sunscreen and that reminds people to always wear sunscreen regardless of whether there is sun or not. The third is slap on a hat, any kind of hat prevents the sun from hitting the face and neck. Studies have shown that wearing a hat prevents people from aging as fast as an average person that does not wear a hat. Wrap is the last one that has been added to have people to wear sunglasses to prevent the sun from hitting the eyes which causes aging and darkspots. Many societies promote this campaign through media and educational activities to help people understand and learn. The national council on skin cancer prevention has designated memorial day to be “Don’t fry day” which pleads people to use the 4 ways to protect themselves from the sun.  The council also wants people to go beyond and use as many measures to protect the skin from UV rays that can harm the skin. The council also wants people to spend less time on this day especially during the hours 10am to 4pm when the UV rays are strong and become harmful. With this campaign a lot of research has been constructed to detect early harmful rays as well as methods to prevent sun exposure. Through all this research it has also helped access to quality care, screening, and prevention services. “The Society’s extramural grants program is the largest source of private, not-for-profit cancer research funds in the United States. Currently, 50 grants are funded for skin/melanoma cancer research totaling over $25 million” "http://www.cancer.org/healthy/morewaysacshelpsyoustaywell/acs-skin-cancer-prevention-activities." American Cancer Society Skin Cancer Prevention Activities. N.p.. Web. 16 Apr 2013. <http://www.cancer.org/healthy/morewaysacshelpsyoustaywell/acs-skin-cancer-prevention-activities>.

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